We are looking for a couple of Volunteers to take on 2 important roles within the Club this year.

Social Membership Secretary

This role is to collect and manage the collection of Social Membership from the Club Members. This will involve:

  • Collating all monies collected via online payments and payments through the till.
  • Collecting Social Membership from Members on a Saturday Matchday (August, September and October only).
  • Updating and providing Membership Cards, on the EPOS system. This is straightforward and training and laptop will be provided.
  • Updating Members details on the Members database (RFU Game Management System). Again, this is straightforward and training will be provided.

This is a very important role for the club, as Membership forms nearly 30% of our annual income.

Matchday Gate Supervisor

Our past Treasurer has previously carried out this role with aplomb, but retired at the end of last Season. We are looking for someone to take over this role. This may be a single person, a couple of people or shared between a group.

This role will involve collecting Gate money from our matchday customers. We have 13 home games in a season, so the Volunteer(s) would ideally need to be available for all these games. Timings would be 12pm-4pm for each of the home games.


If anyone would like to apply for either of these positions, or would like further information, please contact Steve Ward on chairman@sprufc.co.uk or 07891637616. This role is open to Volunteers from outside the Club as well as Members.